One of my greatest goals in life is to be happy. Its probably one of the goals that most of us human beings share - we are constantly seeking for more joy in our lives, and often we look in the wrong places.
I have always been a naturally happy and optimistic person. Of course, a lot of my joy has come from believing in my Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel, knowing that God is my father and that He loves me, and from being raised by wonderful, loving parents. I had a beautiful childhood. We were very poor for a while as I was growing up - and I don't remember any fancy toys or electronics at all. I remember an old suitcase full of 'dress-up' clothes, some old dishes my parents got at a thrift shop, and a few stuffed animals. But more than that, my childhood was full of books (stories that my mother read to me, and others that I read myself), drawing and painting, music, and lots of learning. My parents raised me strictly but with love, which I know contributed greatly to my happiness when I was younger, and even now blesses me still.
But a lot of happiness is a choice. I have learned this more and more as I get older. I have had many trials that were of course unexpected and unprepared for - and my life is much different than I could ever dream it would be. More and more, though my life is still wonderful, I find myself facing the choice to be happy, or to not be.
Recently, I discovered a huge way that I am CHOOSING not to be as happy as I could be. And its a bit pathetic to admit, but important that I do finally admit it, so here I go. I am embarrassed of who I am.
I really didn't figure this out until recently. For a while now I have been hesitant to go to wedding receptions, or homecomings, or parties where my old high school friends will be in attendance. And the events that I do attend, I always become anxious beforehand. For months I have declined different invites to different places because, for some reason, I just didn't want to go. And I finally figured it out. I am ashamed of who I am.
This is so very sad, but true. Even though I am slowly coming to terms with my new life, my new body, and my new goals, I have been unable to come to terms with others SEEING me in my new life, my new body, and with new goals. A lot of it comes from the expectations that I perceive they have for me. So many of my friends thought that I was BOUND to succeed, to become famous, and thought I was beautiful, smart, and that the sky was the limit for me. And I believed it completely - again brimming with confidence partly due to my natural disposition, and partly due to the care and teaching of my parents.
Now I am faced with those expectations - shimmering hazily before me - and I feel that at every turn I am disappointing those friends and acquaintances. I know in my heart that these expectations are hardly real, and most of my old friends won't think twice about how I look now and where I am at in life. To them, I am still simply "Hannah Benge", their friend and loved one. But in my own mind, I see pity on their faces, disgust in their eyes, and disappointment in their words.
How sad that I have not realized this for so long! I feel that I don't measure up to the standards that I CREATED in my own mind and imagine coming from them! Four years ago when they knew me I was fun, happy, confident, successful, smart, beautiful, trim, and talented. Now, (again only in my OWN mind), I think they see me as pitiful, failing, poor, lazy, ugly, fat, and sad.
And this is what I must fix! I have to correct my thinking. Again, I have to come to terms with who I am. I have to realize that my life IS changed, but not necessarily for the worst - just different. I have to realize that I MYSELF am different. I have to remember that overcoming the trials I have been given is a SUCCESS, just a different one than I had planned!
I am a little plumper, perhaps a littler sadder and wiser, more aware, more grateful! I am much tireder, and I don't work anywhere that I ever thought I'd work. I am not dating, I live with my grandparents, and I write a blog for fun. :) But none of this is anything to be ashamed about!
I have chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic migraines, now chronic back pain from a herniated disc. And yet, I served a full mission! I taught hundreds of people the gospel of Jesus Christ in Tennessee! I loved hundreds of people with all my heart and did my best to show them that God loves them, and all of this while I was sick!
I have gained weight, but despite feeling sick and tired all the time, I exercise EVERY DAY and try to eat healthy! I have a wonderful part time job helping others with family history, and another part time job as a nanny -showing two beautiful children as much love as I can. I have met lots of people and loved every single one of them. I have made new friends, and made new memories. I have tried to bless my immediate family as much as I can, and try to serve them often.
I am still a strong Christian, and know that my faith in God is stronger than ever. I am beautiful inside and out and no matter what my failings, I ALWAYS try my very hardest at everything I do.
Are these not things to be proud of?
I need to let go of being ashamed. I need to forget the crazy expectations that I hold myself to, and remember that who I am is just as great as who I was. I need to remember that a couple of pounds gained doesn't diminish my beauty. I need to remember that love is out there for me somewhere and that I am WORTHY of a good and righteous man.
And most of all, I need to remember that God sees me the way I truly am - as His precious daughter, as a friend to those around me, as someone who tries hard at everything she does in life - even despite pain, sorrow and exhaustion, as a dedicated nanny, as a devoted Christian, as a loving daughter, as a beautiful woman with a smile of sunshine, as a happy and confident woman who just forgot for a while how happy she could be.
I ask all of you, ask God how He sees you. Don't believe the lies that Satan throws at you - that others judge you, or that you aren't living up to the expectations you should be, that you are too fat, or too thin, or too dumb or too smart. I beseech you to look inside and find the light that is somewhere deep within and let it shine. Be proud of who you are, and who you can become! And don't forget how many lives you touch, and how many people love you.
Let your light shine!!!